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Community Resource Navigation 102: Let’s Beat The Heat Together!

It’s getting hot and it’s staying hot! As we all know, summer can be especially harsh on our people experiencing homelessness. There are very few places they can go and cool off. With only a few cooling centers in the city (click here for their locations) and new, post-covid restrictions surrounding hanging out in restaurants and coffee shops, it has become even more critical to extend a caring hand to those who may not have access to shelter, air conditioning, or adequate hydration.

That’s why we’re bringing you ideas on how to check up on your unhoused neighbors! Handing out these items and even keeping them in your car may be helpful:

  • Frozen water bottles
  • Ice packs
  • Drinks with electrolytes
  • Soft snacks (some folks can’t eat hard foods)
  • Hats
  • Sunscreen
  • Cooling towels

Because there are few places to seek refuge from the heat, it might behoove you to know exactly where your local libraries are! Libraries are safe havens from the elements for people experiencing homelessness, so being able to give directions to the nearest branch is an important skill! (PS: Thank you, librarians!)

While checking on your unhoused and housed neighbors this summer, be sure to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. Here is a straightforward infographic that differentiates heat exhaustion vs. heat stroke and details next steps if someone is exhibiting symptoms:


How else can you help? Our outreach teams and Wellness staff are hard at work passing out cold water and other summer essentials. Support us in keeping our participants hydrated (Help us buy an outdoor water fountain) or donate hot weather supplies from our Amazon wishlist!

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